Useful Toolbox.
Build a Solid First Impression.
The key to building a solid first impression is a solid brand identity. The first step in creating a brand identity is to really understand your business, your customers and your story to ensure a strong and consistent growth as well as acheiving customer loyalty and retention.
October social media challenge.
They say that it takes around 21 days to form a habit and around 66 days for the habit to become automatic. Get into good habit with your social media by increasing your activity and bringing a variety of content to your audience across all of your social media channels. Download this social media content calendar to kickstart October on the right foot.
Raise Your Profile on LinkedIn.
Embrace the power of LinkedIn & its multitude of features to start building both your personal and business brand and grow your network and online presence. This handy schedule will guide you on the frequency & type of activity you must do to get you and your business noticed.
Content Planning
Yes the key comes down to planning! Your audience deserve the best quality content and to make sure that they stick around and listen to your brand, plan your social media content. This guide gives you tips on how to put content together on a social media plan.