'Free' in 'Freelancer' Does Not Mean Free!
What has emerged from my ‘lows’ is the notion of ‘la la land’ – the land of empty promises and dangling carrots from potential new clients that leave you feeling exploited as a freelancer.
You Can Never Be the Finished Article
There is no need to wait until you are the finished article as there is no such thing as the finished article. This is especially true in digital marketing with the fast paced changes in trends and developments. There is always room for self-development and refreshing and enhancing your knowledge to keep ahead of the game.
Look Up at the Stars and Not Down at Your Feet
Today the world mourns Stephen Hawking, a brilliant scientist who transformed our view of the universe and encouraged us to “look up at the stars and not down at your feet”. This quote is extremely profound as it can be interpreted in many different ways and be applied metaphorically to both your personal and professional life. It made me reflect on recent experiences of attending business expos.